Are you coming?

Body .LeLutka.Head.Simone 2.3 Bento NEW! L'Etre - Real Eyes [#10] Lamb. Lovesong - Fatpack (Group Gift) Jan 2017 NEW! Essences - Marin [Lelutka Bento Applier] @ Shiny Shabby Jan 2017 NEW! Maitreya Mesh Body Lara VISTA HUD PROHAND   V.1FINAL NEW! Clothes *The Mystic* Gothic corset (Rose) -Maitreya N-core MIAU "FatPack" @  Hentai Fair NEW!

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An afternoon in the garden

Body .LeLutka.Head.Simone 2.3 Bento NEW! L'Etre - Real Eyes [#10] TRUTH Wind [Blondes] gacha @ The Epiphany Jan 2017 NEW! Essences - Marin [Lelutka Bento Applier] @ Shiny Shabby Jan 2017 NEW! Maitreya Mesh Body Lara VISTA HUD PROHAND   V.1FINAL NEW! Clothes *The Mystic* Gothic corset (Rose) -Maitreya

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Body CATWA HEAD Tumble V4.10 pr!tty - Helena - {Heavy Roots} :rigged: @ The Forest nov 2016 IKON Triumph Eyes  - Slate Maitreya Mesh Body Clothes Asteria "Bella" [Maitreya] Coat - Red @ TRES CHIC SOON! Asteria "Bella" [Maitreya] Top - Ivory Sequin @ TRES CHIC  SOON! Asteria "Bella" [Maitreya] Skirt - Red @ TRES CHIC  SOON! Accessories N-core KATE  "Christmas" for Maitreya High Feet (Christmas gift) NEW! [Black Bantam] Pinecone Necklace Copper

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LUMIPRO 2017 is almost here!

After months and months of hard work Stefan and the LUMIPro team are happy to finally present LUMIPro 2017! We not only have all the features you have come to expect, but here is what is new: •    The three ball lights can now be controlled via the HUD. That means no more having to lose your camera angle to get the perfect lighting! •    LUMIPro now supports the posing of 10 models; including yourself! •    There

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Body CATWA HEAD Tumble V4.10 NEW! MINA Hair - Minea 01 (materials) @ Shiny Shabby (sept 2016) IKON Triumph Eyes  - Slate Maitreya Mesh Body Clothes :V.e. Esther Lace Dress Nightshade MAITREYA @ On9 NEW! N-core KAITLYN "Fatpack" for Maitreya Lara @ Uber NEW! Accessories SPELL : Ariel Earring (gacha item) SPELL : Elara Ring (gacha item) SPELL : Halley Earring Cuf (gacha item)

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Essences - Zara

Body CATWA HEAD Helena V4.9 Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5 Studio Exposure Eye Shadow and Lipstick =DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Helena" Amazing pack Essences Catwa Appliers [ZaraM01] @ Shiny Shabby .ARISE. Dor Eyes / Olive MESH Clothes :V.e. Vivienne Dress MAITREYA Rose @ FAMESHED NEW! Accessories LUXE. Chain Choker Gold (Long) yolk - Bunny Earrings @ Indie Teepee 2016 GIFT - lock&tuft

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.::KL Couture::. Sophia mesh jewelry set-J&A Expo '16

CATWA HEAD Jessica V4.3Elikatira SophiaIKON Sovereign Eyes - ClarityDeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Head "Face Anastasia" MixedtypeMaitreya Mesh Body KL Couture Sophia earrings for J&A Expo 2016 NEW!

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:: PurpleMoon :: Satine Heels -Gold-

:: PM :: Satine Heels -Gold- (available in 7 colors) @ J&A Expo 2016 NEW!

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Asteria - Corina Mini Dress - Ocean

Body CATWA HEAD Jessica V4.3 Elikatira Sophia IKON Sovereign Eyes - Clarity DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Head "Face Anastasia" Mixedtype Maitreya Mesh Body Clothes Asteria - Corina Mini Dress - Ocean NEW! Accessories KL Couture Sophia earrings for J&A Expo 2016 NEW! LUMIPro 2016 HUD NEW!

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Yesterday, when i was looking at the items available for Fifty linden friday on, i saw these heels and i had to get them... again (I was previously a blogger for Glamistry and found out later that i already had there heels. Hahaha. Anyway, I will always love what Glamistry has to offer and I will ask, soon, to come back as an official blogger again. I know i have been quiet blogging in the last months. We can say

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J&A Expo 2016

Jewelry & Accessory Expo 2016 Feb. 26th-March 5th, 2016 In Cabaret, au Cabaret, to Cabaret Ladies and Gentlemen Siren Productions and SCALA invite you to a world of sin and depravity where the Boylesque Boys are HOT and the Cabaret Girls are dangerous. Come and join us along with Designing SL, ModeLS Magazine, ECLIPSE Magazine, THEMA Publications, ModeLS Magazine, Dope Magazine, L'Homme, MENStuff, WOMENStuff, and, SL Live Radio as we hit the world of burlesque for this years Jewelry &

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